
Why does my cat follow me everywhere? Feline behaviour

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

Do you have a four-legged shadow wherever you go, whether you’re walking around the house or outdoors, getting up to get a glass of water, or going to the bathroom?

Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance 2 months free Get a quick quoteHaving someone ‘on your tail’ at all times can be comforting, amusing or sometimes downright annoying, but regardless of your feelings on the matter, you may want to know why your cat follows you everywhere and whether it’s normal. After all, understanding the reasons for your cat’s Velcro-like behaviour can help strengthen the bond between you and ensure their well-being and happiness.

In this article, we explore some of the common reasons why cats follow their special humans everywhere. Rest assured, most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about; in fact, it’s generally a sign of love, loyalty, and a desire for your company.


10 reasons why your cat follows you everywhere

1. They are bonded to you (in human terms, they love you!)

If your cat is strongly attached to you, they will naturally want to be near you as much as possible. If your cat follows you everywhere then it’s probably a sign that they trust and love you and that you make them feel safe.

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

If you have multiple members of your family or household, but the cat only follows you, it means you’re their favourite human. Although they may not quite understand the meaning of ‘personal space’, by following you everywhere they are letting you know  that they want to be close to you and enjoy your company.


2. Your house, their territory

Cats are by nature very territorial. In the wild, most cats (lions excluded) are solitary hunters within an established territory, which they will defend against other cats. For domestic cats, the entire house is often their ‘hunting range’ or area within which they will roam. They may follow you around the home to make sure you don’t block their access to part of  ‘their territory’, for example by shutting them out of a bedroom or bathroom.


3. They are bored

Cats are intelligent beings who need a certain amount of mental stimulation to be happy. A cat that is bored and unstimulated may follow you in the hope of finding something more interesting to do, even if it’s just watching what you are up to.

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

If you think your cat is following you everywhere because they may are bored, you need to find other ways to make life more interesting for them, such as spending more time with them, increasing your play sessions, and giving them interactive toys or  puzzles to keep themselves entertained when you are otherwise occupied.

Learn more: Cat play and toys – it’s not just fun & games!


4. They’re worried about you

Believe it or not, cats can be very compassionate and sensitive creatures. They often sense when you are feeling unwell or stressed out. If they’ve got a hunch you’re not yourself, they may follow you around the house to make sure that you’re okay, or to protect you from a perceived stressor.

5. They want something from you

There’s a good chance your cat is following you because they want something: a cuddle, a game, food, attention …

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

It also means your cat has identified you as their main source of food, affection, safety and other resources.

Cats are very good at reading our body language and picking up on clues about what we’re about to do next. If it is likely to involve them, they may follow you around in the hope it will hurry you along.


6. They’re a Velcro cat breed

Your cat’s breed can also come into play here. Some breeds are more clingy and therefore more likely to follow humans around than others, including Siamese, Persian, Burmese, Ragdoll, Bengal and Maine Coon.


7. They are curious creatures

Remember the old saying, ‘curiosity killed the cat’? They are naturally inquisitive and love to know what’s going on. Believe it or not, your kitty may be following you because of FOMO – they just don’t want to miss out on anything.

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

They may follow you around everywhere because, to them, you are all-knowing and the source many exciting and interesting things. They want to stick right behind you in order to be right where the action is!


8. You’ve trained them to follow you

Inadvertently, you’ve actually been rewarding them for following you around  …

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

… by talking to them, smiling or looking at them, giving them a pat or even a treat as they shadow you. Giving them reassurance, attention and treats when they follow you – even if only occasionally – encourages them to keep doing it.


9. They’re feeling sick, stressed or anxious

If your cat suddenly starts following you around, and is more clingy than usual, it could mean that they’re feeling unwell or stressed and want some extra comfort and security. This may be accompanied by other behavioural changes such as hiding, scratching furniture, urinating outside the litter box, vocalising or hissing, or changes in appetite. If you’re concerned that there might be something potentially serious going on, please consult your vet.

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

Sometimes, persistent following can be a sign of separation anxiety. As we’ve seen, wanting to be close to you is a normal social behaviour for cats, but some cats may be too clingy and become extremely anxious when their owner leaves them. If your kitty is following you because of stress or anxiety, try leaving out something with your scent on it, like an unwashed T-shirt, to give them comfort. Try to work out what is stressing them so that you can address the cause, not just their following behaviour.


10. They are hungry

Does your kitty usually follow you at certain times of the day? Cats can’t tell the time, but they follow routines and seem to know exactly when it’s mealtime. Try to feed them at the same time each morning and evening to prevent them becoming too anxious about food availability.

Cat behaviour, Why does my cat follow me everywhere Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

If they follow you whenever you head to the kitchen, they may be trying to tell you that they are hungry or thirsty by meowing while they follow you. Beware of giving in to your cat’s demands for food if you want to stop this behaviour; doing so will reinforce the behaviour and encourage them to keep doing it.


How to discourage your cat from following you everywhere

If you are concerned that your cat is too clingy or dependent, you may want to discourage their persistent following. Here are some suggestions:

  • Share responsibilities for your cat with other family or household members. This will give your cat the opportunity to bond with others, not just you.
  • Keep your cat occupied for periods of time by giving them environmental enrichment: toys, climbing and scratch posts, places to hide, catnip and food-filled puzzles. Rotating these items rather than having them all out at once will help keep them  interesting and exciting.
  • Don’t pay them any attention when they follow you around – you may be unwittingly encouraging them if you do (even if it’s negative attention). Rather, ignore them while they are following you and give them plenty of attention and praise when they stop following you, settle down or start doing something else.
  • Desensitise your cat to you leaving the room. If they get up as soon as you do, keep standing up and sitting down until they get bored and stay settled. Then try getting up and walking out of the room. If they start to follow you, walk around the room until they get bored and stop. Then try leaving the room. If they follow you, keep going in and out of the room until they give up following you. Don’t turn it into a game, just keep calm and ignore them the entire time.



Why does my cat follow me to the bathroom?

Your cat may follow you to the bathroom for the same reason they follow you everywhere else: they may be bored, they want something from you, they’re super attached to you, etc. Many cats will follow their owners to the bathroom because the bathroom is an interesting and exciting place! They may be curious about the smells, sights or sounds in the bathroom, or want to see what you are about to get up to in there, whether brushing your teeth, taking a shower or using the toilet. Their curiosity may even have them peeking into the toilet bowl to watch it flush!


How can I encourage or discourage this behaviour?

A cat often follows its humans around everywhere because it has previously received attention or some other form of reward in response to this behaviour. If you want to encourage a behaviour, make sure it leads to treats, praise or pats, so that your cat will remember and repeat it frequently.

If you want to discourage your cat from this behaviour, try to totally ignore your cat while they are following you and only pay attention or give treats once they have settled in another area. In so doing, you will start to break the habit of them trailing you to “get” something. Remember that even negative attention, such as reprimand, is still attention, which will only reinforce the behaviour. Even a glance in their direction can reinforce it.


Is it normal for my cat to follow me outside?

Your cat may follow you around outside for the same reasons it follows you around the house. If your cat follows you around in an outdoor and off-leash environment, it is probably because you’ve trained it well. Your cat sees you as a trustworthy pack leader who knows exactly where you are going, so it will happily follow behind you. On the other hand, if your cat frequently runs far off to chase other cats or explore, you should probably be keeping it on a lead, or train it to heel.


What if my cat suddenly stops following me?

If your cat who usually follows you like Velcro suddenly stops following you, there may be a medical reason, such as pain that worsens with movement. Boredom, aging and stress can also cause this change in behaviour. If it persists, it’s best to consult your vet to find out if the reason is something serious.


In conclusion

If your cat is following you around everywhere, it is important to try to work out why they are doing it. Are they hungry, curious or bored? Do they want your affection or attention? Are they sick, stressed or anxious? Have they always done so, or is it a new behaviour? Once you have answered these questions, you can decide if you need to take steps to address it. If you are concerned, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviourist, who can help you determine the cause of your cat’s behaviour and recommend ways to address it.


Consider pet insurance to help protect you and your cat should an unexpected trip to the vet occur.




This article is written by

Nicky Klugman

Nicky is our Marketing Communications and Content Specialist. She is an animal-lover who is particularly interested in animal behaviour and the relationships between humans and their pets. While growing up, dogs were always an integral part of the family. Nicky is mum to three human sons and a rescue pup called Dobby.

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