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“Can my dog eat tomato?”
10 Unlikely Celebrity Pets
13 pawsome presents for cat lovers – Christmas gift guide
15 pawsome presents for dog lovers – Christmas gift guide
26 August is National Dog Day!
30 Fluffy Dog Breeds (Big and Small)
9 plants you should never plant in your garden
A complete guide to dog and puppy vaccination schedules and costs
Adopting a stray cat – do’s and don’ts
Affordable Pet Insurance for multiple pets: A complete guide
Allergies in cats – What you need to know
Are cheap pet insurance policies worth it?
Are Pet Wellness Plans worth it?
Asbestos and pets – what you need to know
Best dog breeds for hiking and outdoors
Best Dog Collars & Leads
Best dog toys available in Australia
Best outdoor enclosures & runs for cats in Australia
Best Pet Boarding: Finding the right boarding for your pet
Bow Wow Meow crowned Best Value in Finder’s Pet Insurance Awards
Brain workout – Mental exercise for dogs
Bringing a new kitten home: Tips & advice for new cat owners
Bringing your new puppy home
Calming songs for anxious dogs: 50,000+ Spotify songs analysed
Can dogs eat apples? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat banana? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat blueberries? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat cheese? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat corn? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat cucumber? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat grapes? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat mango? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat mushrooms? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat pineapple? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat strawberry? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat tomato? Everything you need to know
Can dogs eat watermelon? Everything you need to know
Can dogs safely eat avocado? Key risks and what you need to know
Caring for a new kitten: Helping your kitten settle in
Cat and kitten vaccination schedule & cat vaccination costs
Cat Insurance – Pet Insurance claims for cats
Cat play and toys – it’s not just fun & games!
Cat Sneezing: What Does It Mean?
Cat tail signs (What your cat’s tail tells you)
Catnaps and kitty dreams: Why do cats twitch in their sleep?
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your furry friend
Christmas presents for your cat – The gifts our kitties really want!
Christmas presents for your dog – The gifts our pooches really want!
Cleaning dogs’ ears
Controlling & protecting against fleas
Crate training your puppy – practical uses and tips
Creating a Dog First Aid Kit and Administering First Aid for Dogs
Creating safe outdoor environments for indoor cats
Dealing with the Death of a Beloved Pet
Desexing Cats & Kittens: Benefits and costs of neutering or spaying your cat
Dew Claws on dogs: Clipping vs keeping them
Dietary requirements of adolescent dogs
Different diets for cats – What to feed your cat
Different diets for dogs
Different diets for kittens – What to feed your new kitten
Does your cat love you? Take our quiz to find out!
Does your dog love you? Take our quiz to find out!
Dog adoption guide: Tips on bringing your rescue dog home
Dog bowls: choosing the best bowl for your pet
Dog dental care – what you need to know
Dog desexing cost: Understanding neutering and spaying expenses
Dog insurance – Pet insurance claims for dogs in Australia
Dog Kennels Product Guide
Dog sports: fun activities for dogs & owners
Dog training basics for new dog owners
Dog, Cat or Fur Baby? Why we are in love with with our pets
Doggie doors product guide: Our top pet doors
Easter fun with pets
Emergency cat food: The human foods cats can eat
Emergency dog food: Safe foods for dogs to eat
Emergency pet preparedness list for Cyclone Alfred
Exercising your senior dog
Expert Tips and Advice – How to take better photos of your pet
Father’s Day Gift Guide for dog dads
Finding the right vet
Getting dogs and cats to live together
Good and bad human foods – What to feed and what to not feed your dog
GPS Dog Trackers: Does my dog need one?
Grace, our Hero Pet who beat two life-threatening conditions!
Guide to brushing your dog’s teeth effectively
Guide to selecting a responsible dog breeder
Hair coat and skin conditions in dogs
Health concerns facing older dogs
Hero dog stories of 2015 that moved us to tears
Hero Pet Bronte, the French Bulldog who battled IVDD
Hero Pet Noni, the little dog that caused a huge scare
Home-alone boredom busters for dogs
Homemade dog food made easy with bonus recipe
How clever is your cat?
How long are dogs pregnant? Dog pregnancy & gestation
How long can you leave a dog or puppy alone?
How much does it cost to own a pet dog or cat in Australia today?
How much exercise does my dog need?
How much exercise does my puppy need?
How Much Should I feed My Dog?
How smart is your dog?
How to crate train your new puppy
How to exercise your puppy
How to help your dog lose weight
How to manage inappropriate urination in cats
How to prepare for your puppy’s first day at home
How to prepare for your puppy’s first night at home
How to stop a dog from barking
How to tell if your cat is sick? Know the signs
How to tell if your dog is sick? Know the signs
How To Toilet Train A Puppy
How to train a puppy: Puppy training tips & advice
How to wash your dog
Hunting dog breeds – Best dogs for hunting
Indoor workouts for dogs
Indoors or outdoors? Which is best for your cat
Interpreting doggie dreams: Why do dogs twitch and tail-wag in their sleep?
Introducing your new kitten to other pets
Is Pet Insurance worth it?
IVDD Pet Insurance in Australia: Are you covered?
IVDD Pet Insurance in Australia: Comprehensive Coverage
Japanese dog breeds – Breed info
Keeping our pets warm, dry and safe through winter
Kitten development stages
Lessons to teach your children about dogs
Litter tray aversion in cats
Little Harry’s battle with a rare killer
Maintaining your pets’ dental hygiene
Meet Bow Wow’s Assistance Dog ‘Kora’
Most Colourful Dog Breeds
Most Popular & Interesting Pet Names of 2016
Mother’s Day gift guide for cat mums
Mother’s Day Gift Guide for dog mums
Moving house with a cat
Outdoor adventures with dogs: Summer fun, exercise and play
Pablo, the tiniest dog with the biggest fight
Pet Adoption: What You Need To Know
Pet Insurance and dental care – What you need to know
Pet safety tips: Keep your pets safe and happy this Christmas and New Years Eve
Pets in the springtime: the joys and hidden hazards
Pets that suffer in summer: how to keep them cool
Planning the perfect birthday for your cat – let’s party!
Planning the perfect birthday for your dog – let’s celebrate!
Preparing To Travel By Air With Your Pets
Product Guide: Dog Coats
Product Review: Dog Beds
Puppy arrival equipment checklist
Puppy buyer’s guide – Where to get a new puppy
Puppy care & health: how to care for your new puppy
Puppy development stages: newborn milestones & growth charts
Puppy feeding guide and schedule
Puppy grooming tips
Puppy socialisation and its importance
Resources & information on dog health, nutrition & grooming
Resources for new puppy owners
Road trip 101: Driving with pets
Skin allergies in dogs and cats
Ten common health problems for cats
Ten common health problems for dogs
The Best Apps for Pets in 2021
The biggest dog breeds – Giant dog breeds info
The importance of exercise for adult dogs
The most dangerous things cats ingest
The secret lives of cats – What kitty gets up to when home alone
The top 10 benefits of having a cat
The top 10 benefits of having a dog
The Top 10 Small Dogs in Australia
The top 5 health problems for cats
The top 5 health problems for dogs
The top 5 health problems for puppies
The top health problems for kittens
Tips and advice on how to introduce your pet to your new partner
Tips on how to care for older dogs
Tips to avoid and treat separation anxiety in dogs
Toilet training your new kitten or cat
Top 10 Apps for Dog Lovers
Top 10 Dog Breeds For Families
Top 10 Guard Dog Breeds
Top 10 Hypoallergenic Cats
Top 10 Indoor Cat Breeds
Top 10 Large Dogs In Australia
Top 10 Medium-sized Dogs In Australia
Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds
Top 10 things to do with your dog during the holidays
Top 10 Winter Products for Dogs
Top 6 ways to help your cat survive winter
Top boy puppy and dog names
Top girl puppy and dog names
Top puppy and dog names
Toxic plants for dogs: Protect your canine companions
Travelling with your Pets – Tips from Dr Katrina
Understanding dog body language signals, expressions & behaviour
Understanding feline behaviour: Why does my cat sleep on me?
Understanding Pet Insurance: Does it cover desexing?
Understanding why your cat might gently bite you out of nowhere
Understanding your dog’s behaviour
Understanding your dog’s hip surgery
Vet Wellness Plan vs Vet Care Plan vs Pet Insurance Comparison
Walking with cats: Tips for leash walking, hiking and camping with your cat
What Not To Feed Your Pet
Why do dogs eat grass?
Why does my cat follow me everywhere? Feline behaviour
Why does my dog follow me everywhere? Canine behaviour
Why does my dog lick me? Understanding canine affection
Why Is Chocolate Bad For Dogs?
Win passes to the Brisbane Dog Lovers Show!
Winter pet care and grooming tips
Your guide to summer pet care and grooming