The Australian Mist is popular with first-time cat buyers because of its moderate appearance with no extremes. Its eyes are expressive, its face is broad and its cheeks are plump.
The cat’s thick coat is short and hardy, its tail is plumply furred and the cat is of medium size. The colour scheme is delicate. The warmth of browns, golds and soft peach colours play against an ethereal background of blue and even lilac. The pattern is usually seen as spots or swirls. The eye colour is typically green.
This breed craves companionship, and you can often find the Australian Mist curling up on your lap as soon as you sit down. This breed of cat is quite docile and friendly and makes a great indoor cat. It is also a safe playmate as a family cat or for elderly companionship.
The Australian Mist typically weighs between 4 and 7 kg. The lifespan of the Australian Mist is usually 12 to 15 years.
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Get a quick quoteDon’t let the Australian Mist shock you as an energetic kitten because the breed tends mellow out in maturity. Mellowed and matured Australian Mists love being handled and tend not to scratch or bite when being handled. Their love of human touch makes for the perfect house cat. They can spend all day indoors and be content with their human’s affection and love.
The Australian Mist is for those owners looking for a snuggle. The cat tends to seek the warmth of the nearest lap whether it belongs to a trusted human or stranger. And the cat gets along easily with people and other pets. The affectionate, medium-energy, medium-sized cat makes for a great companion to those with mobility issues, and they instantly fit in with a family.
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The Australian Mist is wholly Australian. It took Doctor Truda Straede nine years to develop this house cat in the 1970s. The breed was created using the desirable characteristics from 30 different breeds including the Burmese, Abyssinian and Australian Moggy.
The friendly nature of the cat comes directly from the Burmese. The Abyssinian gives the Australian Mist its intricate two-colour pattern and intelligence. And the Australian Moggy gives the Mist its healthy nature by contributing stout kidneys, strong teeth and a manageable litter size of usually four kittens.
The Australian Mist is generally tolerant of touch and does not mind being picked up. The cat is very unlikely to scratch or bite, as well. They bound with energy as kittens, but the energy soon fades with age until the Australian Mist slows down entering adulthood. In fact, the Australian Mist is so docile that you can train the cat to go for a walk on a lead.
More information about Australian Mist:
Australian Mist breeder in Victoria, Australia:
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