
30 Fluffy Dog Breeds (Big and Small)

If you are in search of fluffy dog breeds, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for small or big fluffy dog breeds, or something in between, we have scoured high and low in order to bring you our top thirty fluffy dog breeds of all shapes and sizes. What these thirty fluffy dog breeds have in common is their gorgeous fluffiness!

All around the world there are people in love with fluffy dog breeds. What is it about fluffy dog breeds that makes them so appealing to so many of us? Some of us love to run our fingers through our fluffy friends’ fur, while others go googly-eyed for their sheer cuddly cuteness.

Just be aware that many fluffy dog breeds come with high – and sometimes expensive – grooming requirements, such as daily brushing and regular parlour visits. For fluffy dog breeds that are prolific shedders, a good vacuum cleaner is highly recommended!  These breeds typically have an undercoat — a layer of fur that insulates them in cold weather and gives them their fluffy appearance. This finer, fuzzy fur generally sheds heavily twice a year, leaving balls of fluff floating all over the house! If you are allergic to dog fur, you’ll be pleased to know that we have included some fluffy dog breeds that are non- or low-shedding,

Something else to consider is that most of the fluffy dog breeds were bred in cold climates and even snow, so they can struggle in the much warmer Australian climate. In summer particularly, extra care should be taken to ensure that they don’t overheat.


Our top 30 fluffy dog breeds

Some like them towering and some like them tiny, so we’ve listed our top 30 fluffy dog breeds in order of size, from smallest to largest by weight:


1. Pomeranian

Pomeranians are cute, extroverted and energetic little fluff-balls!  The abundant double coat, with its frill extending over the chest and shoulders, gives the Pom its “ball of fluff” appearance. The under-coat is very short and thick, while the outer coat is long and soft.

Poms need regular brushing to tease out that undercoat and maintain its fluffiness and shine; otherwise, you’ll find fluffy furballs floating all around the house. Their dense coat shouldn’t be cut short as it is designed to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.  It’s recommended to use a pin brush down to the skin, once a week, to prevent matting and you can even tease the coat and tail with a slicker brush to fluff them up even more!

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Pomeranians are an independent breed who will not agree with everything you want them to do, especially not to being left home alone. They are highly alert and love being part of a busy yet attentive family, and they may well have a melt down when their owners leave and they realise that they can’t go with them!

Temperament: Friendly, playful, independent
Weight: 2 to 3.5 kg
Height: 13 to 28 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life span: 12 to 16 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



2. Yorkshire Terrier

close up portrait of pretty sweet small little dog Yorkshire terrier in pullover outdoor dress, jacket on the spring sunny summer background

The Yorkshire Terrier (a.k.a. “Yorkie”) is a small, toy-sized dog known for its long, silky, straight coat in a colour combination of steel blue (on the body and tail) and tan. Their hair is similar to human hair and can grow particularly long, especially around the face, which may require trimming in order to prevent it dipping into the food or water bowl.

Yorkshire Terriers do not shed as much as many other dogs because they don’t have an undercoat, but they do shed a little. If the coat is kept long, it needs to be brushed daily, and the hair on the Yorkie’s head often needs to be tied up in a topknot to keep it from obstructing their vision. The Yorkie’s coat can also be clipped in an extremely cute, more fluffy style, with the added benefit of lower-maintenance.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Yorkies are energetic little dogs who require a daily walk and playtime to stimulate them both physically and mentally. Despite their tiny size, it is important to raise them and treat them like real dogs; if they don’t get clear rules, they will show everybody that they are in charge.

Temperament: Active, confident, loyal
Weight: 2 to 4 kg
Height: 15 to 18 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



3. Bichon Frise

bichon-frise-adult-standing-on-lawn Bichon Frise Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

The Bichon Frise (or simply “Bichon”) is a small, sturdy dog famous for its curly, fluffy white coat and rounded head hair. The soft undercoat combines with the coarse overcoat, giving the dog its voluminous, fluffy texture. This double coat sheds very little, so it is often suitable for those with allergies.

Bichons have high grooming needs and are not recommended for time-poor owners who will not have enough time to maintain their dog. They require regular (preferably daily) brushing right down to their undercoat to prevent matting and should be bathed once per month. Ideally, they need a trip to the groomer every four to six weeks for clipping and bathing in order to maintain a healthy coat.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Bichons are famous for being entertaining and love being the centre of attention. Despite their independent spirit, Bichons thrive on human company and their temperaments are very affectionate, lively and intelligent. They are charming and gentle and are not known to be yappers.

Temperament: Affectionate, playful, curious
Weight: 3 to 6 kg
Height: 23 to 30 cm
Activity level: Low
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



4. Havanese

Portrait of a cute white havanese dog in a garden in autumn outdoors

The Havanese is a toy breed with a great deal of personality, big brown eyes, droopy ears, a curled-over tail and a gorgeous, long, thick, soft and silky coat. The double coat comes in a wide variety of colours and doesn’t shed much, so is suitable for allergy sufferers.

To get the maximum fluffiness, grow out the Havanese coat for a few weeks and then have it groomed in a Teddy Bear trim. Daily brushing is necessary to avoid tangles and matting. If grooming time is an issue, the coat can be clipped short.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Havanese are a very social and people-orientated breed, and separation anxiety is a common occurrence when they are left alone for long periods. Owners may need to spend a lot of quality time playing with their Havanese or bring another pet into the family for companionship.

Temperament: Sociable, loving, energetic
Weight: 3 to 6 kg
Height: 20 to 28 cm
Activity level: High
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



5. Pekingese

Funny pekingese dog smiling

Pekingese are very small dogs with a long, soft, and straight coat that feels luxuriantly furry. The dog looks like a miniature dog-lion with its long mane. In fact, they are also called “lion dogs”, both because of their mane and brave personality

Pekingese tend to shed a lot more hair than other breeds, because they have so much of it! Their soft coat come in a wide variety of colours and can be molded into all sorts of ​lavish fashions. About an hour of proper grooming weekly is needed to keep the volumous coat free of mats.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Pekingese are known as companion dogs and don’t require a lot of exercise. They have a laid back nature and don’t really like going out and about, especially because they are so small.

Temperament: Brave, confident, affectionate
Weight:  3 to 7 kg
Height:  Up to 25 cm
Activity level: Low
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



6. Toy Poodle and Miniature Poodle

Lovely little toy poodle dog running on the lawn

The Toy Poodle and Miniature Poodle are loving, highly intelligent small-sized dogs with long, thick, tightly curled coats that comes in a variety of colours, don’t shed and are non-allergenic, making them a popular choice for allergy sufferers.

Poodle coats need daily brushing and regular bathing and trimming, as well as professional grooming every 6 to 10 weeks, depending on the chosen “hairstyle”. A short trim such as the simple ‘sporting clip’, in which the coat is shorn to follow the outline of the body, will help to keep the coat maintained and reduce the amount of daily grooming required. A Poodle’s hair doesn’t stop growing, which is why regular and diligent grooming is so important. Poodles are easily stressed and poor grooming has often resulted in nervous animals and skin irritations.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Poodles are lively, fun-loving dogs who require a great deal of both physical and mental stimulation. They need daily walks and will thrive if they are mentally stimulated with a variety of activities and games.

Temperament: Loyal, loving, entertaining
Weight: 3 to 8 kg
Height: Up to 38 cm
Activity level: High
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Medium
Grooming: High



7. Maltese

A cute female maltese dog

The Maltese is a small, lively dog with long, white, flowing hair. With its dark eyes and nose and great personality, the Maltese is said to be the ultimate lap dog.

The silky coat of the Maltese can hang to the floor if it is allowed to grow. Their fur does require some grooming and maintenance, particularly if left long, and if it isn’t well-maintained it will become matted. Many owners have their dogs clipped for easier maintenance. While they do have plenty of hair, they do not shed very much; they do not have an undercoat and are considered to be one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Maltese are spirited little dogs that thrive in the company of their owners. They don’t require a whole lot of outside exercise but love to play games.

Temperament: Friendly, playful, curious
Weight: 3 to 4 kg
Height: 21 to 23 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



8. Papillon

Papillon on the background of autumn park

The Papillon is small, fine boned, energetic dog with a silky, smooth, single coat which comes in a variety of parti-colours that include white patches. This confident and cheeky little package scores 10 0ut of 10 for cuteness!

The most distinctive features of this breed are its butterfly ears that are fringed with long hair, and a distinctive, proud tail that is also feathered with hair. The hair on the Papillon’s body is medium in length and feathering also covers  the rear of the fore- and hind-legs. The Papillon does shed a fair amount of hair so it needs regular grooming and a good brush each day will help with shedding.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Papillons are energetic, intelligent dogs who love adventure. A great choice for first time dog owners and families, they also love to snuggle up on their owners lap for a cuddle and a quiet nap.

Temperament: Smart, alert, friendly, happy
Weight: 4 to 5 kg
Height: 20 to 28 cm
Activity level: High
Life Span: 13 to 15 years
Coat: Medium
Grooming: Medium



9. Shih Tzu

dog shi tzu outdoors in the park

 Shih Tzus are small dogs with a long sleek coat and sturdy build. They have large dark eyes and a distinctive under-bite, a trademark of the breed.

Their coat is fast-growing and comes in a wide range of colours. It needs frequent maintenance or it will grow beyond the feet and drag on the ground. The Shih Tzu’s facial hair can grow very long. This can make them look like lions, and regular trimming is required to prevent it from going into their eyes. Grooming isn’t all about vanity when it comes to the Shih Tzu; if they aren’t brushed and groomed regularly, skin problems can develop.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Shih Tzus have been known to nip and bark at younger children, so adult supervision and mindfulness by children are essential. To avoid these and other behavioural issues, consistent discipline and good clear communication are key.

Temperament: Lively, courageous, affectionate
Weight: 5 to 8 kg
Height: 20 to 28 cm
Activity level: High
Life Span: 10 to 16 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



10. Japanese Spitz

content and happy japanese spitz sitting outddors on grass meadow

The Japanese Spitz has a very famous smaller cousin – the Pomeranian. Like the Pomeranian, the Japanese Spitz has a profuse, fluffy coat that stands off its lightweight body. However, while the Pomeranian comes in a variety of colours, the Japanese Spitz is only white.

The Japanese Spitz’s illustriously white coat is relatively easy to maintain. The slightly rougher overcoat brushes off dirt like teflon while the undercoat contains protective oils. This means that the dog maintains its natural white lustre without much maintenance – weekly brushing and an occasional bath when necessary should suffice. During shedding season, however, the entire undercoat will shed in a period of 2 to 3 weeks, and daily brushing will be required to remove the loose fur.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that  the Japanese Spitz makes a good watch dog. The breed features a surprisingly loud bark for its diminutive size, is always attentive and shows no fear when threatened, but quietens down quickly when a trusted human assesses the situation.

Temperament: Friendly, affectionate, loyal
Weight: 5 to 10 kg
Height: 25 to 35 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life Span: 10 to 16 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: Low



11. Spoodle / Cockapoo

Cute Cockapoo dog sit on table.

The loving, intelligent Spoodle or Cockapoo is a cross of the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. This hybrid breed has a soft and wavy coat which comes from the mix of the two very different hair types of its parent breeds – the tight curls of the Poodle and the straight hair of the Cocker Spaniel.

The Spoodle generally sheds very little to no hair, making it an ideal pet for people with allergies. They come in a wide variety of colours and may be one solid colour or a combination of different colours, have white patches or other patterns.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Spoodles are lively, fun-loving dogs who love to play and can be very active. They will thrive if they are mentally stimulated with a variety of activities and games.

Temperament: Gentle, playful, friendly
Weight: 5 to 14 kg
Height: 25 to 40 cm
Activity level: High
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Medium
Grooming: High



12. Lhasa Apso

Beautiful lhasa apso dog

The Lhasa Apso is a small dog known for its long, silky, dense coat which – unless groomed otherwise – flows to the floor. Its name literally means “bearded Lhasa dog”.

The Lhasa Apso’s lavish coat is parted in the middle and drapes down each side. It comes in a wide variety of colours, giving them the nickname of “jelly bean dog”! This unique coat needs considerable care, including daily brushing using the right tools and techniques, washing, conditioning and drying every two weeks and professional grooming every 6 to 8 weeks. To make grooming a little easier, the Lhasa can be clipped in a puppy cut or other clip.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Lhasos are considered to be the cats of the dog world. Some even say that this breed is untamable; their stubborn nature often interferes with training. They may look like lap dogs but they definitely don’t want to be treated like one!

Temperament: Independent, intelligent, stubborn
Weight: 6 to 8 kg
Height: 25 to 28 cm
Activity level: Low
Life Span: 13 to 15 years
Coat: Long
Grooming: High



13. Cairn Terrier

Cairn Terrier sitting near flowers

The Cairn Terrier is an energetic little dog with a huge personality and a cute, scruffy appearance – this is the famous dog that starred in The Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland.

The shaggy double coat is wiry on the outside with a soft undercoat and comes in a variety of colours including red, black, brindle, grey and sand. Weekly brushing and combing are recommended, as well as periodic hand-stripping to maintain the coat’s texture. It does not shed very much and loose hair can be removed with a good brushing.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Cairn Terriers are intelligent dogs with a mind of their own. They do best with lots of close family contact and love to be busy; and that means daily walks and mental exercise.

Temperament: Energetic, friendly, happy
Weight: 6 to 8 kg
Height: 23 to 33 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life Span: 12 to 15 years
Coat: Medium
Grooming: Medium



14. Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland sheepdog or sheltie dog sitting on a forest path in a forest with autumn colors

The Shetland Sheepdog or “Sheltie”is a small to medium-sized dog with a thick, long-haired coat that comes in a variety of colours. Shelties look like miniature versions of Collies, with the same lion-like manes and neck frills.

The Sheltie’s profuse outer coat is long, harsh and straight, while the dense undercoat is short and furry. Shedding is fairly considerable and weekly brushing is required at a minimum, and more often during shedding season, to help in removing at least some of the loose hair. The coat should be checked regularly for matting. Because the coat protects against sunburn and heat as well as the cold, shaving is not recommended.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Shelties have lots of energy and need to release it on a daily basis. Your Sheltie will not be calm or relaxed if they haven’t had their daily power run! They like to bark and tend to be reserved toward strangers, which makes for an excellent watchdog.

Temperament: Intelligent, loyal, playful, affectionate
Weight: 8 to 12 kg
Height: 33 to 41 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 13 to 16 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: Medium



15. American Eskimo Dog

American Eskimo White Dog

The American Eskimo Dog has a fluffy white coat, erect, triangular ears, and black nose, eye rims and lips, and looks very much like a small Samoyed. The ‘Eskie’ has a compact and muscular body and a smiling face with an alert and intelligent expression. The plumed tail is carried loosely over the back.

The distinctive, dense, double coat of the Eskie has a short, thick undercoat, which helps give a fluffy, puffball appearance to the longer, straight outer coat. For extra warmth, it is thicker and longer around the neck and chest – giving male Eskies an impressive lion-like ruff – as well as over the rump and hind legs, Although Eskies shed almost constantly, the coat is fairly easy to keep clean. A thorough brushing two to three times a week will remove most dead hairs before they can be shed and help to prevent matting. The oil on an Eskie’s fur prevents dirt from adhering, so a good brushing is usually enough to remove it; bathing is only required occasionally.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Eskies are known as “Velcro” dogs – they’ll be stuck to you all day long, following you around the house like a curious shadow. They are not dogs you can leave alone for any long period of time.

Temperament: Intelligent, affectionate, curious
Weight: 11 to 16 kg
Height: 38 to 48 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life span: 13 to 15 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



16. Keeshond

keeshond standing on green grass

The Keeshond or ‘Kees’ is a beautiful, eye-catching Spitz dog that is most recognisable by its long, heavy coat. The Keeshond’s head is covered with smooth, short hair that lengthens and thickens over the neck and shoulders, giving the appearance of an impressive, lion-like mane, particularly in the male dog. It has a long, feathery tail which it carries high and tightly curled over its back, where it lies flat against the body.

The thick double coat comprises a long, straight, harsh outer coat of silver-grey with black tinted ends and a thick, down-like undercoat which is pale grey or cream. Surprisingly, this striking coat is fairly easy to maintain. It does not tangle, is odourless when dry and the outer coat sheds dirt as it dries after a wet activity. In fact, it only needs a quick brush a couple of times per week, except during autumn and spring, when it sheds heavily, and extra grooming is required. The Keeshond is a natural breed and very little trimming is required, while baths should be given only when necessary.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Keeshonds have a sense of humour and an enjoyment for life which is delightful. They are naturally happy dogs who will smile every day if you just spend time with them, as they do need daily contact with their owners and lots of activity to remain happy. On the downside, they are inclined to beg and tend to eat and eat until you have to stop them. They can also be barkers, easily crossing the line into nuisance.

Temperament: Playful, loving, easy-going
Weight: 14 to 18 kg
Height: 43 to 46 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 13 to 15 years
Coat length: Medium
Grooming: Medium



17. Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

Standing Irish Soft Coated wheaten terrier

The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier (simply referred to as “Wheaten Terrier” or “Wheaten”) is a medium-sized breed with a distinctive silky coat.

Its single coat is soft, wavy or curly and usually comes in any shade between pale beige to gold, but some can have a few red, white and black hairs, with blue-grey shading around the ears and muzzle. There are four coat varieties: the traditional Irish, heavy Irish, English and American. The Irish coat tends to be the thinnest and silkiest of the four. They do not shed much, but like Poodles their hair continuously grows and therefore requires daily brushing and regular trimming.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Wheatens are intelligent but they can also be a bit wilful, meaning training can be a challenge. Wheatens like to wipe their beardy faces clean on couches… so if you are a clean freak then this breed might not be for you.

Temperament: Loyal, curious
Weight: 14 to 20 kg
Height: 43 to 48 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 12 to 15 years
Coat length: Medium
Grooming: Medium


18. Border Collie

Border Collie stand on grass

The Border Collie is a medium sized, muscular dog with a thick double coat that varies from smooth to rough. The rough coat is longer and feathered, while the smooth coat is shorter and coarser. Their eyes have an intelligent expression and an intense gaze and their eye colour is usually brown or blue, but some have two different coloured eyes.

Their dense, weather-resistant, double coats need to be brushed a few times a week to keep them free of mats and tangles, as well as dirt and debris. Be forewarned—they like to play in the mud, so their may be a considerable amount of the latter! During shedding season, daily brushing is required.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Border Collies have boundless energy and love to run, making them well-suited to active owners. Highly intelligent, they also need lots of mental stimulation and enjoy endless games of fetch.

Temperament: Intelligent, affectionate
Weight: 17 to 20 kg
Height: 46 to 56 cm
Activity level: Very high
Life span: 13 to 16 years
Coat length: Medium
Grooming: Medium



19. Portuguese Water Dog

portuguese water dog stands majestically in the ivy covering his yard

The Portuguese Water Dog, affectionately known as the Portie, is a medium-sized dog known for its thick, curly coat which is (in most cases) hypoallergenic, repels water and comes in various colours.

There are a few different types of clips available for the Portie, meaning two of them could be the same breed yet look entirely different. The lion clip trims the muzzle and lower body but leaves the upper body, head, and tip of the tail long, giving it a lion-like appearance. The retriever clip is the most popular in non-showing Porties, and leaves the body the same length all around. The coat coat requires regular brushing in order to not get matted.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that the Portuguese Water Dog has a lot of stamina, and therefore requires daily exercise and mental stimulation. As their name suggests, Porties love the water, and many owners find throwing a ball into the water and having the dog fetch it is a great way to satisfy the Portie’s instinctive need to run, swim, and retrieve.

Temperament: Active, obedient, eager to please
Weight: 19 to 27 kg
Height: 43 to 57 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 12 to 15 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



20. Standard Poodle

big white poodle

The Standard Poodle is a notoriously smart and energetic dog with a muscular body and a thick, curly, non-shedding coat that grows profusely all over the body. Poodles come in three sizes: Standard, Miniature and Toy. The Standard Poodle is the largest size, reaching 30 kg or more.

The Poodle coat does not shed and is low-allergenic, so they are suitable for people who have allergies to dog hair. Because they don’t shed, the Poodle’s grooming requirements and costs are high with professional clipping and/or shearing recommended every 4 to 8 weeks to maintain the characteristic Poodle hairdo, i.e., sheared over the body and upper legs, and fluffy around the face and lower legs. In contrast, a full-coated Poodle is fluffy all over its body, but needs intensive daily brushing and combing to prevent matting and knotting. If the fur becomes matted near the roots, a complete shave will be necessary – goodbye fluffy coat till it grows back!

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Standard Poodles require a great deal of both physical and mental stimulation, paired with a strong yet fair owner who won’t allow any misbehaviour.

Temperament: Active, loving, loyal
Weight: 21 to 32 kg
Height: Greater than 38 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 12 to 16 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



21, Australian Shepherd

Cute and lovely Australian shepherd dog

The Australian Shepherd or “Aussie” has a coat that is straight to slightly wavy and they have a naturally bobbed tail. Aussies come in a variety of colours including blue merle, black, red merle and solid colours with or without white markings. As the puppy begins to age their coat usually becomes darker. Their eyes can be a variety of colours and may differ from each other in colouration.

Australian Shepherds have a waterproof, double-layer coat that tends to shed a fair bit, so regular brushing is recommended. In general, weekly brushing sessions will suffice, but twice a year they shed heavily due to seasonal changes in the weather, and more work will be required at these times. During shedding season an undercoat rake can be used every two or three days to remove the abundant dead hair, followed by a clean up with a wire brush.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Australian Shepherds are high-energy, athletic dogs who require plenty of exercise on a daily basis to prevent them from becoming bored. One of the ultimate working dog breeds, if you don’t give them a job to do, they may just find themselves one!

Temperament: Intelligent, alert, caring
Weight: 23 to 29 kg
Height: 45 to 58 cm
Activity level: Very high
Life span: 13 to 15 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: Medium



22. Groodle (Golden Doodle)

Goldendoodle Dog puppy 3 months designer dog, Poodle , Golden Retriever, breed

The Groodle or Golden Doodle, is a relatively new crossbreed, a mix of the Golden Retriever and the standard Poodle. They come in a variety of appearances, but tend to be large sized dogs with medium length, curly coats and a happy facial expression.

Groodles can resemble a shaggy-looking retriever or a curly poodle, depending on the dominant genes they inherit. Their coat length when left unclipped grows to about 10 to 20 cm and is shorter on the face and longer on the body, tail and legs. Like most poodle mixes, they don’t shed or shed only lightly, and have become popular with people who suffer from allergies. Groodles require professional grooming approximately every 6 to 8 weeks. Otherwise, they are easy to groom – just some routine brushing in between is required to keep the coat mat free.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Groodles are best suited to living indoors with a family who will shower them with attention. They are very human-orientated, love being involved with their family and need regular human contact to remain happy.

Temperament: Affectionate, loyal, obedient
Weight: 23 to 45 kg
Height: Around 53 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life span: 12 to 15 years
Coat length: Medium
Grooming: High



23. Samoyed

beautiful Samoyed in the woods

The Samoyed is a spitz-type dog with a distinctive white, fluffy double coat. Like many other spitz-type dogs, the Samoyed has thick, fluffy, triangular and erect ears and a thick, fluffy tail curled over the back. Samoyed puppies may well be the most adorable fluff-balls you will ever see!

The topcoat has long, coarse, straight white/silver hair which protects the undercoat. The undercoat is made up of short, dense, soft fur which keeps the dog warm and is shed heavily one or two times a year – however, the dog sheds smaller amounts year-round. Their coat requires regular brushing in order not to get matted. It is important to not cut their fur off as it acts as a form of protection against the heat and cold.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that the Samoyeds make good watchdogs and will alert you of danger through barking or a wolf-like howling sound. They seem to always want to have the last word and are quite head-strong.

Temperament: Active, friendly
Weight: 23 to 30 kg
Height: 46 to 60 cm
Activity level: Medium
Life span: 12 to 14 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



24. Chow Chow

Chow Chows Chow Chow Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

The Chow Chow is a sturdy dog with small pointed ears and a very thick coat of long fur. They have a distinctive curly tail that stands up and aligns with their backs. Other hallmarks of the breed are a lion’s-mane ruff around the head and shoulders, blue coloured lips and blue-black tongue. If the Chow Chow looks familiar, it’s probably because many see a similarity between the appearance of this breed and the classic teddy bear.

The Chow Chow’s profuse double coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting. Brush or comb two to three times a week, through the undercoat. and more often in shedding season. Bath monthly and thoroughly dry the Chow afterwards.

If you are considering this breed, note that Chow Chows need a good dose of daily exercise, but don’t cope well with heat due to their very thick fluffy coat. They like to bond with one person and are better suited to a single-person household with no other dogs.

Temperament: Loyal, protective
Weight: 25 to 32 kg
Height:  43 to 50 cm
Activity level: Very high
Life span:  9 to 12 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



25. Rough Collie

Rough collie

The Rough Collie, also known as the Long-Haired Collie, is a medium-large sized dog that was originally bred for herding. Most of us who watched the 1950s TV series ‘Lassie’ fell in love with this beautiful breed.

Their beautiful, long coats come in a variety of colours and comprise a long double coat which is straight on top and soft and furry underneath. Rough Collies shed a significant amount of hair and it’s good to give their coats a deep brush about twice a week and keep them clean and groomed.


If you are considering this breed, be aware that Collies make great family dogs – they are loyal, trainable, obedient, and clingy. But we warn you – owning a Collie is about more than owning a companion dog. Collies want to be a part of every aspect of your life and every activity that you are involved in.

Temperament: Intelligent, sensitive, loyal
Weight: 27 to 34 kg
Height: Up to 65 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 14 to 16 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



26. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute Alaskan Malamute Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance

The Alaskan Malamute is a a large and muscular Spitz type sled dog with a heavy fur coat and bounds of energy. Similar in appearance and build to the Siberian Husky, the two often being mistaken for each other.

Malamutes have a thick double coat that can grow to as much as ten centimetres in length. If you are a clean freak, don’t even think about getting an Alaskan Malamute as you will find fur in every inch of your home and car, especially when it’s shedding season. The Australian summers are generally hot for dogs with origins above the Arctic Circle, who are prone to the effects of severe heat, so Malamute owners should take additional care during the warmer months. Cold baths and the comfort of the indoors will improve their condition during these times.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Malamutes have a very strong hunter’s instinct and can cause trouble if let off the leash in public — they have been known to chase smaller dogs, cars and wildlife. Also,be warned, they are highly active and need a minimum of three hours exercise a day – a relaxed walk around the neighbourhood simply won’t do.

Temperament: Active, intelligent
Weight: 36 to 43 kg
Height: 58 to 63 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 12 to 16 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



27. Old English Sheepdog

old english sheepdog bobtail

The Old English Sheepdog (OES) is a large yet compact dog known for its long, shaggy coat which usually comes in blue, grey, blue/grey, blue merle, brown, with or without white patches. When they run, their hair blows in the wind, and watching an OES on the move will definitely put a smile on your face!

As you might expect, the OES’s fluffy coat requires a decent amount of grooming. They shed heavily and require brushing each day to prevent knots and matting and to get rid of loose hair. Keeping the coat short is a good way to keep the OES’s grooming needs under control.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Old English Sheepdogs were bred to work and as such require lots of exercise. They love a good run and are more than happy to accompany their owners on a brisk walk or jog.  You will love their friendliness, playfulness and balanced attitude to life.

Temperament: Active, loving, loyal
Weight: 36 to 45 kg
Height: 51 to 61 kg
Activity level: Very high
Life span: 10 to 12 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: High



28. Akita

Akita-inu, young dog outdoors

The Akita is a heavy, muscular dog of ancient Japanese lineage with an imposing stature and alert appearance. A Spitz-type dog, they have a dense coat that comes in several colours, including white, erect ears and a full, curled-over tail.

They are double coated and their undercoat is thick and warm, coupled with medium length top coat. Their profuse coat sheds heavily twice a year but they also drop hair regularly right throughout the year. They don’t require extensive grooming, but their thick, luxurious double coat should be brushed at least once a week to look its best. Akitas tend to be clean and have little “doggy odour”.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that the Akita is distinctive large and powerful dog with an aloof attitude and a strong bond with their owners.  The Akita can be territorial and is not usually welcoming of strangers.

Temperament: Active, loyal
Weight: 38 to 50 kg
Height: 61 to 71 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 11 to 15 years
Coat length: Medium
Grooming: Medium



29. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese mountain dog lying on grass during fall day

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a beautiful, larger breed of dog with a thick, silky double coat that is distinctively tri-coloured – it is mostly jet black with a white neck and chest, and rust-brown on the legs and around the face.

The dense, moderately long outer coat over a wooly undercoat is designed for cold weather. Bernese shed a fair amount all year round but tend to shed the most during Autumn and Spring. That means that they require grooming at least once a week to help remove loose hair and tangles. Bathing is also recommended at least once every two months.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that Bernese Mountain Dogs are usually outdoor dogs, but they can be well-behaved once trained inside. This breed likes to go out exploring and enjoys adventurous exercise like hiking and bush walking. If the Bernese Mountain Dog doesn’t get a good amount of exercise, he or she can become restless and start barking.

Temperament: Easy going, loving, friendly
Weight: 40 to 45 kg
Height: Male up to 70 cm, female up to 63 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 6 to 8 years
Coat length: Long
Grooming: Medium



30. Newfoundland

Newfoundland dog breed in an outdoor

The Newfoundland is a giant, very muscular, strong, handsome dog that is equipped with a heavy, double coat. Newfoundlands are closely related to the English Mastiff and the St. Bernard and share the physical characteristics that are hallmarks of these breeds; thick bones, a strong muscular build and big bull-like heads.

Being so big, there is a lot of fluffiness to cuddle and love! On the downside, the heavy coat requires thorough brushing at least once a week to remove loose hair and prevent mats from forming. These will become daily sessions during shedding season, which generally occurs twice a year; however, spayed and neutered “Newfs” shed year-round and will need to be brushed out several times a week.

If you are considering this breed, be aware that, while the Newfoundland is known for its docile temperament, it is a very large and strong animal. Although they have a wonderful reputation with children, their size and weight means that they can accidently hurt a small child who positions themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Temperament: Gentle, loving, loyal
Weight: 65 to 69 kg
Height: 69 to 74 cm
Activity level: High
Life span: 8 to 10 years
Coat length: Medium
Grooming: High




We are sure that there’s a fluffy dog breed for every fluffy dog lover! While we hope you’ve found your favourite fluffy dog breed amongst our list, we know there are many more fluffy dogs out there that we just didn’t have space for. If you’re keen on exploring even more options, be sure to have a look at the following:


Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance can help protect you and your dog should an unexpected trip to the vet occur.





This article is written by

Nicky Klugman

Nicky is our Marketing Communications and Content Specialist. She is an animal-lover who is particularly interested in animal behaviour and the relationships between humans and their pets. While growing up, dogs were always an integral part of the family. Nicky is mum to three human sons and a rescue pup called Dobby.

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*Please note, any pet insurance advice provided is general only. Refer to the applicable Product Disclosure Statement for details of Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance cover.
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